English Summary

English Summary

The German Society of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin - DGKJ) is a scientific association for all pediatrics and adolescent medicine in Germany.


The DGKJ promotes the scientific and professional interests of pediatric and adolescent medicine and commits itself to the optimal ambulant and stationary medical care for children and adolescents in Germany. They are engaged to assuring the highest level of continuing education of pediatricians and doctors for adolescent medicine. The DGKJ supports the education, as well as the advanced training and professionalism of pediatricians and doctors for adolescent medicine, to include pediatric research. Last but not least, the society represents profession political interests of the pediatricians and doctors for adolescent medicine and offers them a platform for professional and personal exchange.


The implementation of these responsibilities is carried out through the DGKJ bodies: the board, the general meeting, the professional commissions and the convention for professional collaboration. The DGKJ issues the monthly magazine, “Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde”, the open access journal "Molecular and Cellular Pediatrics" and gives advice concerning current medical developments and topics of health policies through its website (www.dgkj.de). Every autumn the DGKJ organizes the annual convention of pediatricians and doctors for adolescent medicine, during which thousands of attendees are presented with and discuss research results and innovative research and treatment concepts. Moreover, the pediatric revision course and the course for pediatric nutrition serve as further education. Scientific work in the field of pediatrics and adolescent medicine are supported and motivated through the award of prizes by the DGKJ.

Thus, young researchers can apply for the Adalbert Czerny Award and the Selma Meyer Dissertation Award for example.

The DGKJ is the contact for appropriate ministries, public authorities and institutions and is available to present the necessary expertise. The DGKJ delegation represents our professional society in other organisations; the DGKJ specialists supply scientific, pediatric expertise to important work groups in different institutions. The President and other DGKJ representatives are involved in steady communication with ministry representatives and politicians, especially from the sector of health and science policies; this is done to be able to represent the interests of pediatric and adolescent medicine in health policy decisions.

Furthermore, the DGKJ informs the press and so the general public about the latest developments, and about health risks for children and adolescents respectively. The DGKJ press office in addition arranges for scientific experts on enquired topics.


DGKJ represents pediatrics and adolescent medicine in its entirety. In doing so, it works together closely with the different scientific societies and consortiums who represent the special aspects of pediatrics and adolescent medicine. These, as corporate members of the DGKJ, form the “Konvent für fachliche Zusammenarbeit”.

The DGKJ is a member of national and international pediatric societies.

For more information please contact our office.